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There are many how-to videos on the internet. When trying to find a good one there are a lot of useless videos that one has to screen through. When I find how to videos that are useful I'll put them on here so you don't have to deal with the bad ones.

How To Remove PVC Damage From Coins

An informative video on how to remove PVC damage from coins.

I must admit that this was the first time I cleaned coins for PVC damage. Different websites will mention dipping or soaking a coin in acetone or using a cotton swab and rolling it over the surface of the coin. What I realized is that if a coin is in brilliant UNC condition and untoned, it can be soaked or dipped in the acetone but if it is toned or has experienced circulation, the acetone will ruin the patina of the coin and detract from it's value. In this situation rolling a cotton swab would remove the PVC, which is generally on the relief on the coin, without cleaning the surface and thus preserve the coins value.

How To Build A Carnivorous Plant Garden

An informative video on how to build your very own successful carnivorous plant garden.

What is needed is a plastic storage box, a drill, sphagnum peat moss, distilled or rain water, and your favorite North American species of carnivorous plants. You simply drill a couple of holes on the side of the container, a couple inches from the bottom. Fill it up with sphagnum peat moss.

I've noticed that it is best to have the moss curve above the rim of the container as to prevent leaves, or pine needles from  settling on the plants. Smaller species like some sundews or butterworts would get covered up. Also, the rim can block sunlight, stunting the growth of these delicate plants.
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